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Regional Coordinators

Regional Coordinators are people who have volunteered to help you out in your journey through The Cent Project 2020. They have been trained to be able to assist you with your sort, and it finding information on the website. Note that the regions they represent outline entire counties and are not necessarily all within one state.

The information provided below is to be used ONLY to contact representatives of The Cent Project when you need assistance with the sorting process or have a specific question to ask. These people are our "SUPER-Volunteers" and are very generous to help us out. Please give them your respect and be as brief as possible in communicaing with them so they may help more people. Thank you!

Florida - South West Region

Florida South West Region
John Zieman

Georgia - ATL Region

Georgia - Atlanta Region
Jeff Stanley

Missouri - SGF Region

Missouri - Springfield Region
Sky Smith

New York West Region

New York West Region
Andy Amato

North Carolina West Region

North Carolina West Region
Jim Fletcher

North Carolina East Region

North Carolina East Region
Chuck Daughtrey

Texas - El Paso Region

Texas - El Paso Region
Aaron Chambers

© Copyright 2020, Charles D. Daughtrey - all rights reserved. Any information contained in this website is reproducable without prior consent with the sole restriction that its author, Charles D. Daughtrey be credited for the information used.